Thursday, April 10, 2008

Google reader is genius!

Google reader is genius! Why have i not heard of it before? It's all very web 2.0 isn't it. I finally have a way of reading the news that requires no effort. It's fantastic! You are looking at a newly educated citizen. By next week i will know what's what ;)

It's actually kind of sad that I needed google reader to come along to make me read the news. What happened to the good old days when people bought newspapers and sat back on the deck with a cup of tea? ...actually I wasn't even old enough to read a newspaper back then. I live in this new super duper age where i live and breathe for my laptop! Now when i have to habitually check myspace and facebook when i wake up in the morning i can add google reader to the addiction. It'll add another good half hour onto my procrastination techniques...but who cares. Myspace and facebook checking is a necessary part of life!

1 comment:

ntl.mtchll said...

Agreed. once i figured out how to use Google reader it is actually quite useful. I am an avid reader of but now no more typing in that url address repeatedly, its on my Google Homepage.

Google really is an entity unto itself, not just a search engine but an email account, news feed plus!! a place where i can play sudoku (yes i customised my page).